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Parent Product Review: Voxblock Audiobook Player

Parent Product Review: Voxblock  Audiobook Player
Parent Product Review: Voxblock Audiobook Player

My 3-year-old loves her new Voxblock Audiobook Player. (NO WIFI, LONG BATTERY LIFE, NO SCREEN, ££, EASY TO USE, LOOKS COOL!)

BUT ...

Source your first stories carefully!

'Old Bear & Friends' by Jane Hissey is a firm first favourite here. But Peppa Pig is out soon and there's plenty of Julia Donaldson ('The Gruffalo' etc.) if something easier is prefered!

We were a bit overexcited and bought stories which were far too advanced initally. (Aesop's Fables', 'Alice in Wonderland', 'Fairy Tales for You'.) All fabulous, but more suited to kids aged 4 or 5+.

Our tips:

  • Sample the audiobooks on the Voxblock website first. Preferably, with your child.

WHY :The language on many of the blocks (Fairy Tales & Aesops Fables, for example) is high quality. A kid would have to be Matilda to understand much of it. There was one animally word I didn't know aged 36!  

  • Save up the stickers/coupons you get with each audiobook. You get a free one per 10 stickers.

  • There's no need to buy loads of blocks (audiobooks). One block will last you for ages if it's pitched right. The blocks themselves are built to stand the test of time and toddler tantrums! (Unlike the cassettes I broke as a kid!) . These blocks are made to be listened to over and over again. Ideally get together with friends so you can share. Also watch out for the regular discounts and bulk deals (on the website) so you don't fork out too much.

  • Unlike cassettes these blocks are robust. So they should do multiple kids, generations ...

  • It's really not necessary to buy the headphones right away. Unless you do a lot of travelling! Or happen to be desperate for peace and quiet!

Either way, the Voxblock SHOULD mean your kid has a good incentive to stay in bed at night! Or sits quietly in the car, quietly absorbing new words and stories! Thank you Voxblock!

To preview the audioplayer,

or try out the audiobooks:


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