We speak to Carol Chandler-Thompson Head at St George's School to find out her vision for the school and how it equips children for life in the 21st century.

Do you have children?
One daughter
How long have you been at the school?
This is my first year at fantastic St George’s
How many years have you held a head teachers post?
This will be my ninth year as a Head, having spent eight years as Head of Blackheath High School GDST in South East London

What are the particular strengths of your school?
Our empowering ‘YES SHE CAN’ philosophy enables every single girl to thrive. An abundance of powerful female role models and fantastic opportunities within, and beyond, the curriculum inspire our students to excel in every way.
What is your vision for this school?
That the fine spirit of innovation, excellence and empowerment exemplified by staff and students is even more widely recognised. I want other schools to be asking ‘I wonder how St George’s does that?’

How do you equip a child for life in the 21st century?
Our children will need to be agile, critical thinkers, flexible in approach and healthy in outlook in order to thrive personally and professionally. We are proud that our forward-thinking curriculum and co-curricular opportunities enable this.
Find out more about St George’s Edinburgh here

St. George’s School for Girls Ravelston
0131 311 8000
3 -18 years Girls’ junior and senior school with a co- educational nursery up to P3 (from 2022-24).
Boarding is available