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Forest Nursery: A Unique Approach to Early Childhood Education

Every moment spent with us is an opportunity for children to connect with nature

At the Forest Nursery, we offer a truly unique and enriching environment for early childhood education. Every moment spent with us is an opportunity for children to connect with nature, which fosters their physical, emotional, and cognitive development in ways that indoor spaces simply cannot replicate. One of the core principles of our outdoor nursery is "risky play". With careful supervision, we encourage children to explore challenges and take manageable risks, such as climbing trees or navigating natural obstacles. This type of play pushes them to test their physical boundaries, building resilience, confidence, and self-esteem as they succeed in overcoming challenges.

Our natural setting also nurtures curiosity and imagination.

At the Forest Nursery, children are given the freedom to lead their own play, engaging in enjoyable physical activities that support the development of gross motor skills. Activities like running, climbing, and balancing are fundamental to improving their strength, coordination, and agility.

Activities like running, climbing, and balancing are fundamental to improving their strength, coordination, and agility.

Our natural setting also nurtures curiosity and imagination. Unstructured playtime in this environment encourages children to think creatively and solve problems, enhancing their decision-making skills and fostering independence and critical thinking.


With careful supervision, we encourage children to explore challenges and take manageable risks, such as climbing trees or navigating natural obstacles.

Nature’s calming influence is well-known for reducing stress and anxiety in children. The open spaces and sensory-rich experiences at the Forest Nursery help children regulate their emotions and practice mindfulness. Risky play further supports this by allowing children to take on controlled challenges, which boosts their confidence and emotional well-being.


We also emphasise teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, all of which enhance children's social skills and emotional intelligence.

Nature’s calming influence is well-known for reducing stress and anxiety in children

Our ultimate goal is to provide a holistic, developmentally appropriate environment that equips children with essential life skills such as resilience, problem-solving, and adaptability, preparing them for a world where these qualities are invaluable.

Written by Emma Murray, Head of Nursery at The Forest Nursery, Merchiston 


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