CeilidhKids sessions are fun family events where everyone dances, claps, and marches together. Children learn rhythm, movement, confidence, and social skills, while adults help guide younger children.
We dance to recordings of top bands - or sometimes to an accordion player - and the emphasis is on fun and staying within your child’s comfort zone. Your child doesn’t even have to let go of your hand if they don’t want to!
All ages are welcome, Sessions tend to be aimed at families with children aged 3 and upwards because they get most out of it, so younger ones may find it all a bit beyond them. But if you want to come, we’re happy to have you. Even if you are so small you have to be carried.
Dress is casual: T shirts, fancy dress, kilts, party dresses and tracksuits are all popular. Soft shoes are useful though -
plimsolls are great, and ballet shoes are even better.
Forthcoming Events
March Family Ceilidhs
Sunday 23rd March 2025
A choice of 2pm-3pm or 3.15-4.15
Reid Memorial Church
West Savile Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 3HY
Aimed at families with children aged 3-9 years, but everyone is welcome - the dances will be simplified and non-scary.
Please email ceilidhkids@ceilidhkids.com to book your place, letting us know how many people and for which session.
April Family Ceilidhs
Sunday 27th April 2025
A choice of 10am-11am or 11.15-12.15
The Counting House, 34 West Nicolson St, Edinburgh EH8 9DD
(where we dance during the Fringe)
Wear tartan if you wish! Aimed at families with children aged 3-9 years, but everyone is welcome - the dances will be simplified and non-scary.
Please email ceilidhkids@ceilidhkids.com to book your place, letting us know how many people and for which session.
Please bring your own refreshments; a donation of £5 per family would be welcome if you can manage it.
Contact Caroline Brockbank or Katy Gray to be added to the mailing list and be the first to know about any opportunities
to dance with CeilidhKids - email ceilidhkids@ceilidhkids.com. Or follow us on Facebook