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Childhood v. Mobiles

Belhaven Hill School in Dunbar offers a solution to one of the paradoxes of modern parenting

 by Mr Olly Langton, Headmaster

"We want them to be masters of academia, not slaves to social media."
"We want them to be masters of academia, not slaves to social media."

One of the greatest conundrums to face parents today is how to balance two competing ‘necessities’. On one hand, we hear of the importance of a protected, extended childhood in our increasingly busy 21st century lives.  On the other hand, we have the relentless demands of pervasive mobile technology, seen as a permanent fixture and something to be accepted, adopted and admired.

Jonathan Haidt, in his best-selling book ‘The Anxious Generation’, talks of children being over-protected in the real world, and under-protected in the virtual one as parents and schools hear firmly-held views on both sides of the debate.

At Belhaven Hill School, a small, rural boarding and day school for 5 to 13 year olds on the outskirts of Dunbar, East Lothian, we think that we have an interesting story to tell. Here, childhood is extended, rather than over-protected. On entering the school grounds, it is almost impossible to resist the feeling that you are going back in time: children with muddy knees play football without a referee or collect conkers from the trees.

Mobile Phones Banned. Managed iPads Permitted.

Belhaven Hill School feels like a busy family home; but a family home with a difference. This is one where none of the children is allowed to have a mobile phone. However, every pupil has a school-managed iPad, used only in lessons or prep, and monitored by staff using Apple Classroom. 

But what, you cry, of our duty to prepare them for the modern world? How will we produce the entrepreneurs and problem-solvers of the future?

We have prioritized a different approach: one where every child is encouraged to respect the academic and creative potential of technology, but also be aware of the potentially negative consequences of unrestricted use and to differentiate between the mobile phone (a communication device) and a tablet (an academic tool). We want them to be masters of academia, not slaves to social media.

No Social Media Protects Childhoods

Statistics that are starting to emerge, reveal that children’s childhoods are best preserved by an absence of social media. This is a significant challenge for parents, persuaded to join the arms race so as not to leave their child ostracised by their ‘friends’. 

In a school with boarding for children up to 13 years, it is easy to protect children from this confrontation. Belhaven Hill School has been mobile phone free for 101 years.

Building a New ‘Makerspace’ for Innovation and Creativity

The creative potential of iPads at Belhaven will soon to be enhanced by the opening of a brand new Makerspace facility. Courtesy of a three-year fundraising initiative under Belhaven’s 100th birthday (2023) Centenary Campaign, the School has recently broken ground on its first new development since 2007 – a two classroom Makerspace, where STEM and Design will be taught, side-by-side. 


The world of a child is wonderfully creative and positive and this building aims to encourage the kind of ingenuity that makes that world go round.


Five New Bursary Opportunities Funded by Centenary Campaign


The other focus of Belhaven’s Centenary fund raising has been the extension of our bursary provision. We aim to provide sufficient funding to support five non-fee-paying children in the School at any one time.


Happy Children Thrive at School 

At Belhaven, we are incredibly proud of the joy that our School inspires in our children and their families and we are confident that this will continue to be the case.

We start with the premise that we will make incredible progress with happy children.

“My child comes home tired and smiling every single day. He can’t wait to go to school in the morning!” (parent)


One of the key findings of our Care Inspectorate report (February 2023) was that our pastoral care is ‘sector-leading’ – that is, it is systematically sound and strategically innovative. So, investing in the creation of the team to ensure the consistent delivery of excellent pastoral care has been an essential journey.


As Belhaven is a boarding school, as well as a day school, a high percentage of staff live on site, and it is important to think of this old family house ‘as a home with classrooms, rather than a school with dormitories’.


Belhaven’s happy environment is one of nurture and support, which encourages academic rigour and high levels of ambition and attainment. As a result, children leaving Belhaven gain entry into the top-performing senior schools across Scotland and England, with over 60% of the leavers in the past three years winning scholarships to their first choice of school.


Encouraged to ‘Have a Go’ at 44 Different Sports and Activities, as well as Performing Arts


Variety is what stimulates happy children to succeed. Once settled and confident at Belhaven, they are constantly encouraged to ‘have a go’ and the range of opportunities here is extraordinary. We offer hockey, rugby, cross-country and football this term, and over 40 different activities ranging from watercolours to fencing, choreography to rock-pooling and engineering to archery.


On Friday afternoons, we have a whole-school focus on the Performing Arts – drama, dance and music are prioritised and time is currently spent in rehearsal for ‘Oliver Twist, London Town’.

Full Boarding Can Be Life-Changing for Both Parents and Children

Boarding is at the heart of the extraordinary productivity of Belhaven. The only full boarding Prep School in Scotland, we offer families the consistent rhythm of fortnightly boarding. That’s why out of the 130 or so junior boarding pupils in Scotland, 65 are currently at school at Belhaven.

Belhaven is a wonderful place to live, and to learn. The type of holistic education that we provide means that going to school is not just drab and routine – it is inspirational, it is life-changing, it is full of laughter, friends and, above all, fun. 


You can learn more about Belhaven Hill School on their website and in person at their action-packed Open Morning on Saturday 12thOctober 2024. Book your space via Parents can also visit the school at other times by appointment.


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