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Cargilfield School Nursery

Nikki Miller


Nursery Children looking at the soil
Cargilfield Nursery

Cargilfield Nursery is a unique setting that embodies our ethos, ‘learning is an everyday adventure’. In our Nursery, wehave found an effective balance in which academic progress, outdoor adventureand child-driven/play-based curriculumwork in harmony. We believe creatingan environment in which the children are invested in their learning and pursue their interests and passions is a recipe for success.

At Cargilfield, the children have the opportunity not only to choose between four unique outdoor learning environments but also to drive responsive educational outings and curricular choices. The children are exposed to an extensive range of experiences, clubs and educational visits, and these help us to nurture all aspects of their development and address each child as an individual.

Our spacious, purpose-built Nursery opens out onto a large garden, offering children opportunities to explore, investigate and be imaginative in the world around them. We are privileged to be able to provide a wide range of natural settings for the children to immerse

themselves in; these spaces include the Nursery Garden, Nature Kindergarten (woodland), Enchanted Forest, and Beach Kindergarten (Cramond Beach), where children explore all aspects of the curriculum in a more natural and open- ended setting. They also have access to whole school facilities and can enjoy a choice of five clubs that are timetabled

into the Nursery Day, from gymnastics, and ball skills to dance and drama.

By attending Cargilfield Nursery, our girls and boys are well prepared for their onward journey through Cargilfield School. They are given the foundations needed to engage in and embrace an outstanding education emphasising high academic standards, excellence in sport, music, drama and a passion for outdoor pursuits.

For further details please contact our Registrar, Fiona Craig, on 0131 336 2207 or email at

Contact details: 0131 336 2207

Capacity: 48

Age Range: 3 - 5 years

Session Times: 8.30am-12.15am 11.15am - 3pm (8am-6pm) Wrap Around Care

Minimum Sessions: 5 Sessions

Term Fees: £2,635 - £4,415

Included in Fees: Hot lunch & snacks

Outdoor facilities: Large garden Use of Extensive School grounds Forest Nature and Beach Kindergarten

Specialists & Activities: Music and Library sessions. Additional French, dance, ball skills, drama and gymnastics.

Rating: Very Good 5,5,5,5 =20 (Nov 2013 & March 2017)

For more information:

45 Gamekeeper’s Road, EH4 6HU


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